With only hours to spare - Yoshiro - 06th Jun 2004 08:34
The news everybody has been waiting for. When can we play Troopers? Well, you can expect to see Troopers: Dawn of Destiny sometime Sunday, so be sure to drop by ut2004troopers.com and browse the media and hop by our IRC at #ut2004troopers on irc.gamesurge.net and ask questions and join in for the launch party. We will be making preperations so be sure not to miss it!
A time approaches when the galaxy needs more hero’s on the battlefields. A time very, very near. I’m sure by now you’ve seen the stories of 4 of these men who walk the battlefields of the galactic civil war already, but if not the links to these story’s can be found at the bottom of this post. For those of you who have been with us eagerly anticipating the day you could join this is the second to last story before you’ll have your chance. Today’s journey takes us to a planet surrounding a gas giant. Two different major conflicts happened here, but today we’ll focus on what came before. When the rebels first decided to set up their main base on a moon known only as Yavin IV…