Server and Zip Installation - Yoshiro - 08th Jun 2004 22:13
You might be thinking: where can I find the zip and server files for Troopers: Dawn of Destiny? Well, we have good news for you. After some sleep and a sanity check, our lead coder has prepared the files. They are being hosted by Jolt, for which we are very thankful. There is a special download location for users in the United Kingdom. Players from other parts of the world should use the other link, listed below.
These versions contain the same content as the ut4mod installer. We are hard at work getting the map issues resolved as well as some temporary fixes on such things as Thermal Detonator spam in a patch that will come as soon as possible. Major changes will come in subsequent patches.
Well I feel a bit funny caus Ive just played this mod for nine hours straight I kid ye not.
It really is a fantastic mod mith an awful lot of potential.
Right this mo tho theres an awful lot of bugs and some tweaking needs doing, so if u are cursed with a slow connection u might want to wait till the patch is done before u bother.
It is so worth it tho :) good job team
- - 11th Jun 2004 09:29
The join game option does not work, practice does so its bot assault maps for me
Another mirror
Ondra Hosek - white.timberwolf[AT] - 10th Jun 2004 18:38, the Star Wars Gaming Resource, is kindly providing another mirror under
56k modem
big_jr - - 10th Jun 2004 17:14
ok my conection is slow so
plzdivide files into smaller files
so i can download it
or just email me the zip version of it
i want it soooo bad :(