Troopers: Dawn of Destiny - Release Version 6.0
Welcome and thank you for downloading Troopers: Dawn of Destiny, a multiplayer Total Conversion for Unreal Tournament 2004 that bridges the boundary between Game and Experience to draw you into an atmospheric, involving, tactical first-person shooter set in the fictional universe that has been at the heart of science fiction for over thirty years. Incorporating an exciting combination of all-new playable characters; visually breathtaking and technically groundbreaking battlefields; sixteen new universe-authentic weapons and items; a new class-based style of play fully incorporated into gameplay; and most exciting of all, fully functional flyable spacefighters; Troopers completely revamps UT2004, turning the game into a supportive platform for a completely new breed of Star Wars experience.
The version of the game you now have in your possession is Release 6.0; it is the fourth and final version of Troopers to be released for UT2004. Four separate and vastly different releases for UT2003, countless numbers of internal beta releases, and a fair number of possible Release Candidates have lead the modification up to this point. A great many changes have been made to the game since the last release of Troopers, the least of which is its new functionality with UT2004. While it would be impractical to list them all here, there have been several alterations that have seriously affected the mod as a whole and that are, concurrently, well worth mentioning:
- Relive battles from right out of the Galatic Civil War. Fight in the trenches on Hoth, capture an Imperial Star Destroyer with a strike team, make the Trench Run with Imperial Fighters on your back and many more scenarios await!
- Man vehicles right out of the movies including the All-Terrain-Scout-Transport (ATST) vehicle, scout bikes and snub fighters!
- Dawn of Endor, Endor Assault, Dagaboh, Carbon Freeze, Bespin Pads and Massassi Temple have been converted to the Troopers Objective gametype. Deathmatch and Capture the Flag gametypes have been removed.
- The weapon animations and models have been revised, improving the realism of the player movements and the visual quality.
- New Space Fighters have been added: A-Wing, Y-Wing abd Tie Bombers. The X-Wing was completely remodeled.
- The overhead map system has been heavily modified to allow for dynamic zooming of more deatailed overheads.
- Iron Sights have replaced crosshairs for all weapons giving a more gritty and realistic experience
- Scouts on both sides can call in air strikes of Y-wings and TIE Bombers to crush strong opposition
- New weapons have been added, including the Merr-Sonn PLX, portable rocket launcher, the E-Web heavy repeating blaster, and medic weapons that can be set for stun.
- Two new maps have been added: SpaceStation ( a space fighter map ) and Rebels sieze control of an Iperial Star Destroyer in ISD-Incursion.
- Working together as a squad will benefit everyone in the squad. Scouts increase stamina and speed, Troopers increase armor ratings, Medics aura heal over time, Engineers improve hacking and capturing objective times, and Gunners increase damage dealt from blasters.
- Full bot support for all maps, including space fighter support.
A better understanding of exactly what has been changed in the modification, from the very first Demonstration Release through every single internal patch to the current Version 6.0, can be found in the full changelog in the Release Notes included with Troopers. The release notes can be found in the "UT2004 Troopers: Dawn of Destiny" Start Menu program group.
Remember to stay tuned for future patches and re-releases; until then, enjoy Release Version 6.0. It is the culmination of months upon months of hard work from developers accross the face of the planet, and every bit has been well worth it!
- The Kinetic Studios Team