New HUD Menu Options
Chat Scrolling Drop-Down Menu
The player has the option of selecting the placement position of new messages and the direction that older messages move as they age with this selector menu. "Bottom-to-Top" scrolling causes the newest chat messages to appear at the bottom of the chat window and move upwards as they become defunct, while "Top-to-Bottom" scrolling is just the opposite. This function is set to "Bottom-to-Top" scrolling by default.
Typing Line Position Drop-Down Menu
When the chat key is pressed, the cursor appears in the chat window at a pre-designated position, either at the top of the window or the bottom. With this drop-down menu, the player has the option of selecting whether messages being inputted appear above or below other messages. This function is set to "Top" by default.
Comms Messages Stay
Enabling this toggle switch prevents all messages in the comms window from fading over time. When enabled, messages will only disappear if newer messages supersede them. This function is enabled by default.
Use Target Identification
This toggle switch enables and disables the functionality of the HUD computer to bracket targets. Enabling target identification allows the HUD computer to draw brackets around all teammates and all visible enemies (see the section on Target Identification on The HUD page for more information). Disabling this function removes all target brackets from gameplay. This function is enabled by default.
Use Objective Identification
This toggle switch enables and disables the functionality of the HUD computer to show data on objectives. Enabling objective identification allows the HUD computer to help the player distinguish between objectives held and objectives to attack (see the section on Objective Identification on The HUD page for more information). Disabling this function removes all objective data from gameplay. This function is enabled by default.
Show Location in Team Say
When enabled, this selection places a location identifier to the right of a player’s name but before his message when he is talking to his team. For instance, when disabled, a message spoken only to the team would look like this:
TroopersFan: Cover me!
However, when enabled, the message might appear like so:
TroopersFan (Aurek Objective): Cover me!
This function is enabled by default.
Show All Messages in Chat
Enabling this toggle switch sets game messages, including kill notifications and objective status messages, to display in the comms window instead of in the upper- or lower-center of the HUD. Enabling the feature prevents game messages from intersecting with awkwardly-moved HUD elements. This function is enabled by default.
Keep Empty Typing Line
By default, pressing the chat key will clear a space for the message input line next to the rest of the chat messages, by either replacing a line (if the Typing Line Position is opposite that of the New Message position, i.e. a "Top" position with "Bottom-to-Top" scrolling), or by shifting the last line back (if the Typing Line Position is the same as the position at which new messages are displayed, i.e. a "Bottom" position with "Bottom-to-Top" scrolling). With this function enabled, a special line at either the bottom or top of the chat window (determined by the Typing Line Position setting) is always kept clear of general messages, decreasing the number of viewable lines in the chat window, but preventing line shifts. This function is disabled by default.
Draw Enemy Name
When enabled, this toggle will allow the player's helmet computer to draw the names of targeted enemies on the HUD. Disabling this function provides for a less-cluttered HUD and a more "gritty" atmosphere, but at the obvious cost of being unable to see target names. This function is enabled by default.
Chat Font Size Slider
The Chat Font Size slider allows the player to alter the size of the font in the chat window. Larger sizes are more visible, but take up more space and detract from the number of lines viewable in the chat window at once. Smaller sizes can be harder to read depending upon the player's resolution settings, but allow for a greater number lines. This function is set to size three by default.