Ê Troopers: Return of the DevsÊ - Ê Yoshiro Ê - Ê06th Apr 2005
It has been several months since you have heard news from Troopers, but I am proud to say we are still here. Shortly after the end of the Make Something Unreal Contest the team quietly announced that it was moving on to other projects after loosing key members of the staff. We know many were not pleased with Troopers: Dawn of Destiny v 5, and to be quite honest, neither was the team, but the team was tired and did not have the will to continue. Now some months later, the Troopers team here at Kinetic Studios has pulled together and decided we will not allow version 5 to be the way Troopers goes out on Unreal Tournament 2004. We have decided to continue the project and release what we always wanted Troopers: Dawn of Destiny to be without releases that we are not pleased with. This involves major sections of the game being completely redone. And to do this the team is now looking for a few new members to join up and help bolster our numbers.
To start we are looking for a player and weapons animator as well as mappers who are ready to dig into our OBJ mapping system, the qualifications for these posts can be found here
Anybody else who thinks they can offer something to the project, even if it’s not listed on said page is free to apply. This time expect something worth the wait. Expect new models, animations, weapons, vehicles, OBJ maps with vehicles, and many gameplay and code changes. We look forward to taking you back to a time long long ago, in a galaxy far far away.
We can be reached at
Contact us if you have any questions, and send applications to that address as the ones one the hiring page are out of date.
This is great news. In my opinion the biggest problem with Troopers is not the mod itself (which is awesome) but the lack of community support. There's a need for more servers to play on. I have introduced a lot of people to Troopers but it's hard for them to keep interrest when they can't find any servers to play on. Those who have the bandwidth and skills to run Trooper servers should consider doing so to support the mod and the community.
Darth Necros - - 15th Apr 2005 14:24
I just wanted to say thankyou. You guys are great.
krimar - - 10th Apr 2005 02:08
Nice to have you back Dev's. hope to c some pictures again soon on new units and stuff!!
Greetz!! KriMar
- - 07th Apr 2005 02:55
Make badkarma happy...
stu - - 07th Apr 2005 00:17
Great to see the mod has still got a bit of life left - hope you can get it back on its feet, id help but im only a amateur modeller.
Jetfire - - 06th Apr 2005 22:31
Thanks for the support fabbeh :D
Everyone who posts here, please take the time to register to the forums (link in the left sidebar)if you havent already done so- we want to get the Troopers community steaming again ;)
fabbeh - - 06th Apr 2005 21:40