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  Troopers Demo: RELEASED!  -   ViperEye   -  15th Jul 2003 14:44
That's right, ladies and gentlemen, the Troopers Demo has been released! Finally, after over a year of gripping work (and several weeks of hellish cramming), the Troopers Development Team proudly presents to you all Dawn of Destiny!

Released last night, the IRC- and forum-goers all got first dibs on downloads, but now it's the public's turn. If you havn't downloaded the mod yet, head over to the Mirrors listing and get it now! Then come back and tell everyone what you thought of it.

The Dev Team would like to thank everyone that has been so patient with us through thick and thin. You guys have really made our lives a whole lot easier.

What's next? Well, the Demo's out, but it's a long, long way from the final release. A slew of weapons, maps, models, skins, and even vehicles are still slated for release in the coming months and beyond. Until then, of course, happy hunting!

Oh, and get off my boots.

bob - - 03rd Aug 2003 14:10
i thought it was good but the laser beams are alittle to slow.. it's much quicker in the movies and it figures because it's quite hard to aim now.. good work other than that
E x c e l l e n t . . . ! ! !
madB - - 23rd Jul 2003 15:50
I finally got a chance to install and play the MOD and all I have to say is MORE, MORE, MORE...

You guys did a great job and now I feel like a crack baby in need of another dose...

I must admit that I'm not if I like the "location brackets". It would be nice if they only showed up for the team you are on and your flag/base. It makes it to easy to find the other players when they are "painted", it's like being marked for death...

Well enough bitch'n, I likes it a lot, and I wants more now... ! ! !
Nule - - 20th Jul 2003 21:29
Can't wait to play it. I've been looking forward to this mod for a long time and am thrilled it didn't turn out to be vaporware. One comment - how about a bittorrent to speed up the downloads for us? Thanks.
Looks Good
Paul S - - 17th Jul 2003 21:07
The demo looks good..but f*ckin HUGE for us poor 56k owners. Ah well...always got the screenies...
j2oss - - 17th Jul 2003 15:35
Just posting to say that you guys have done an amazing job with this mod! I love it, everything about it, especially the map designs, they are truly fantastic. I look forward eagerly to the next release!

Keep up the amazing work!
needs more...
Nobody - - 17th Jul 2003 14:30
I thought we could drive AT-ATs around... I thought there would be some sort of single-player campaign... There are no vehicles :( Other than that, the graphics are pretty good. I got bored of playing the demo pretty quickly though :-\
Siegfried - - 16th Jul 2003 23:22
Ive been waiting since u started this eagely checking every day or week, downloading the clone trooper and now the demo and I can say it rocks!! pity hardly anyone plays iy online though, and the bots are pretty boring fter a while.
KooN - - 16th Jul 2003 16:57
For a mod the graphisms are truly impressives but unfortunatly it's "just" a demo right now and i can't even imagine the time you spent in (i couldn't believe the hud first time i played it's too cool) anyway i read some comments about troopers which said it's disapointing well right now it's not finish so don't pay attention to that sort of post and keep on working as you did the final release will be great and troopers will become the best ut2003 mod and the best star war's game !

And just thanks for this demo, too great :) !
Dragunov - - 16th Jul 2003 13:48
Love to play the mod and give the developers some iedeas and bugs I found, but keep them coming, at last we will have revenge!!!


XTCarl - - 16th Jul 2003 11:03
Flakk, shut yo mouth, it is a great mod and i thank the whole team for this demo! I LOVE IT!!!!!

Finally a good SW mod
Aaron - - 16th Jul 2003 06:18
From a guy who through extreme pains taking work...tranformed both wolfenstien 3D and later Doom II into his own modded star wars game...take a bow guys.....Great ut2003 mod that Ive seen...also best SW mod Ive seen.....and WAIT.. its not even finished yet?
- - 15th Jul 2003 18:41
Agent 17 - - 15th Jul 2003 16:29
Clearly the best mod out there!
Flakk - - 15th Jul 2003 15:04
well...what sucks is (except for the low ammount of weapons which I know will change) is that there is no way to hide or take cover... cause you can be seen through anything... making the rebel rifle useless like a sniper rifle... cause as soon as you sit down...trying to get into the "sniping feel" you become a sitting duck...and very easy to kill... so stuff like bushes are useless as cover. Just remove that and it'll be at least 10 times more fun and I can bare with it until more weapons arrive :P
plantje - - 15th Jul 2003 15:01
i love!
downloading right now!
hope makes a ladder for this :D
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