Can I sleep now? - ShroomDuck - 22nd Jul 2003 21:48
What a crazy couple of weeks. Many all nighters were spent trying to get content ready for the Demo release, and late nights still persist as we are adding even more. It's been a great time thanks in large to the fantastic Troopers team. I just can't say enough how amazing these guys are: hardworking, dedicated, professional and fun!
I've really enjoyed reading all the feedback. There's nothing I love more than contructive crits... and you guys have dished out a boat load! I know for me personally... I sometimes become so close and attached to a project, that it becomes difficult to see it from an outside view. And we're listening dudes! So keep it coming! :D
My lastest project for Troopers is really cool (yes... pun intended.) It's a map based on the Carbon Freeze scene from ESB, and I've had a blast getting the theme down. We're right now in the process of testing the layout and making changes, and I think it won't be long until this baby is all wrapped up.
i'm pretty sure that he's the SD from jk3/jk2 because when you download the "Weird Side (issue2)" from then you'll find an interview with shroom about this mod. So yes hes the shroomduck from jk2
ninja - - 13th Mar 2004 23:28
are you the shroom duck from jk3?
GummyPanties - - 01st Nov 2003 11:40
The screenshots look great! When my parents are gone, the download begins! =p
How big??
Dragunov - - 10th Aug 2003 12:27
Can you tell how big, Cloud City is, is it as big as the city, or can you just visit some areas, My personal opinion is, don't stick with some small maps, but use the fully capacity of the engine, so make the maps as big as the engine allows, cause sometimes it is boring if you always run through the same places
Keep going!
SC7211 - - 25th Jul 2003 18:41
Yeah those were the best I'll love this map espcaly if I can run and fight in the hall ways of Cloud City, keep up the good work!
CowTipper - - 24th Jul 2003 01:09
hey shroom. glad to see your mod's come so far already! it's look uber sweet