Life in general has been very hectic for me. I have been working on the second version of Excessive, and started a casual third MOD that has not been announced yet. Not to mention, I work 8hrs/day 5days/week and quite possibly could be making a career change within then next few weeks. We shall see......
Now for some Troopers info. Well, I haven't been here very long, but I have jumped in with both feet. I started slow and attacked the hit fx and started to feel my way around the MOD team to see who, where and what I could do to help. The hitfx went through quite a few iterations. The first effects I implemented looked great from afar, but up close you could see some sprite issues that made the corona texture look like it was embedded in the wall. Not real pretty. I tried various techniques with an xemitter, but never got it looking the way we wanted. I decided to try making a subclass of light and using actual coronas to simulate the flashes. After creating a custom corona, I had finally created a version that I believed the team would be happy with.
Somewhere in there I also helped add some fx here and there to DarkSniper's level, and started another fresh map with GhostEnigma. Shortly after that, GhostEnigma and I drafted Shroomduck for some texturing, and within two weeks we had a totally playable (not completed) level that we have recently added to the beta server. I am really happy with the progress/quality of the map so far. And the 3 of us have proven to make quite a team.
As far as other maps, I have now taken Mos Eisley off of BK's hands to finish up and I have also swiped Coruscant from ShroomDuck. Lots of work going on here. This MOD team rocks..stoked to be here!