ModSquad Reviews Troopers - ViperEye - 03rd Aug 2003 21:31
It would appear that Troopers is "a mod to be experienced."
The premier mod- and mutator-reviewing website for UT2003, ModSquad has kindly reviewed the Demo release of Troopers: Dawn of Destiny. Providing a pure and unbiased opinion, the review is strikingly positive. And best of all, all the flaws that it mentioned will be corrected in the forthcoming code patch (not to mention some new extras as well)!
Many thanks out to ModSquad for being champs and reviewing our little game. Check out the full review and be sure to post your comments on it!
Troopers is exctremely well done, no doubt about it.
ModSquad, on the other hand, is not, nor has it ever been, "pure and unbiased". Quality Control and Mandatory Experience are not terms that anyone with ModSquad is familiar with.
Completely Right
Dragunov - - 05th Aug 2003 16:13
I believe this review is everythint the community wants to say (except the bugs, the community has found more bugs)