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  Contests Are Fun  -   ViperEye   -  05th Aug 2003 18:06
Troopers: Dawn of Destiny announces the Official Troopers Wallpaper Contest

That's right, folks, Troopers is hosting a desktop wallpaper contest. If you're a graphics artist (or even if you're not -- it's amazing what time and a little effort can do, even if you've never touched Photoshop before), and you want to be put up in the official Troopers Credits and to have your creation released on the website as an official wallpaper to be downloaded by Troopers fans everywhere, then listen up; we have a little something for you.

The Goal: To create the single best Troopers: Dawn of Destiny wallpaper imaginable. Simple, eh?

The Prize: Placement in the Troopers credits listing, right next to the Troopers Development Team on the website, in the manual, and in-game. In addition, the victor's wallpaper will be the highlight for an upcoming addition to the website of desktop wallpapers.

The Rules:

1) Each submission must be provided in .jpg format.
2) Each submission of a single wallpaper image must include four sizes: 800x600, 1024x768, 1280x960, and 1600x1200. Slight differentiation between the different sizes is allowed, but major alterations are not.
3) Each submission must pertain to the UT2003 modification, Troopers: Dawn of Destiny.
4) The use of copyrighted materials from sources outside of Troopers: Dawn of Destiny and the Troopers Development Team is strictly prohibited. This means you can't use imagery or content that's not taken from the game.
5) The use of the Star Wars brand on a submission is strictly prohibited. The use of movie quotes is likewise prohibited.
6) All submissions must be complete by August 23, two and a half weeks from now.

Okay, with the unpleasantries of the rules out of the way, here's exactly how we're going to be doing this.

First off, once you've completed your wallpaper and have all four sizes ready for submission, you need to zip them up along with a .txt file that has in it your full name, your nickname, your age, and your e-mail address. The .zip file MUST be named according to the base, "". For instance, if I were to submit a wallpaper, I'd name my .zip file "".

Next, e-mail the .zip to me (ViperEye) at The subject of the e-mail MUST be "Troopers WP Contest Submission."

At the end of the submission period (August 23), the Troopers Development Team will vote on all of them, narrowing the field to our top three picks. Those three will then be posted on the website, and it will be up to the community to vote on who the victor should be.

May the best artist win. GET CRACKING!

relax, Big...
ViperEye - ,com - 24th Aug 2003 12:32
I got it, I got it =)
here it is...
Bigshot - - 24th Aug 2003 02:49
here it is, 9:47 PM August 23rd, CANT SEND MY DAMNED WALLPAPERS TO VE! for some reason my email wont let me send to him. he has away set on MSN, so no go there, and he isnt looking at IRC. so I am SCREWED!
excellent ;P
Bluehawk - - 21st Aug 2003 22:12
ok, made it, send it, admire it
Very good competition I've seen in the boards,
especially that RSI-guy
jda - - 07th Aug 2003 16:52
i am going to enter but nto sure it will be that great
Bluehawk - - 07th Aug 2003 11:12
ah, this is the kind of contest I like...
wow ;-D
tolkienniste33 - - 05th Aug 2003 18:16
Good Idea indeed ...
Even if i think I remember having seen it elsewere ;-)
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