Ê Troopers Announces Open Beta TestingÊ - Ê eXoR[Troopers] Ê - Ê19th Oct 2003 16:55
Earlier this week, Epic announced that the deadline for entries into Phase 2 of their Make Something Unreal competition has been postponed by two weeks. Based on that announcement, the Troopers Team has decided to push the release back slightly. This will give us more time to make sure we cross our T’s and dot our I’s.
Don’t despair though – it won’t be a long wait. In fact, if you’re interested in helping us polish our release, it will be hardly any wait at all. Hot on the heels of our request for cross-platform compatibility testers earlier this week, we are now calling upon your assistance to test Troopers before the official release!
In the near future, a Troopers open beta test session will be held. The exact date and time will be announced when the test package is completed. When the time is near, the procedure will be as follows. A couple of hours before the session, players that are interested can come to our IRC channel (#ut2003troopers on irc.gamesnet.net) to obtain the download link for the ut2mod patch archive. The patch will weigh in at around 100mb or so, so slower connections might wish to wait for the final release later this month.
After all attendees have had a chance to download and install the patch archive, it will be time to play. At that time, multiple Troopers Beta servers will be available for testing purposes, graciously hosted by Jolt. Several members of the Troopers Development Team will be playing on the various servers to help out if problems arise and to receive feedback. After a couple of hours of playing, the official session will be over and a special forum will be opened in which Open Beta feedback can be posted.
The Troopers Team is looking forward to receiving your thoughts on the latest version of the game. We can't wait to meet you out on the battlefield. More info will be posted soon!
too late to be a beta tester? where do i foin u in irc? what channel?
You know me...
Dalin 'MythOpus' Seivewright - - 27th Oct 2003 21:14
Come on guys ! You know me !!! I'm like the favorite member of the community, eh ? anyhoo, I absolutely need to beta test ! :)
Beta testing
Noah - - 25th Oct 2003 23:50
I too would like to beta test, it sounds cool and that space vehicle code looks amazing!
Can't wait.
were dit i can download this game?
ut2003.lover - - 25th Oct 2003 16:44
tel were i get download this demo??
Must use Power! ;)
.]<3Nz[][]. - - 21st Oct 2003 00:48
Hi @ all,
at first, I`m a big Star Wars and, of course, UT Fan! So it`s great for me (and for other people), that I can play Star Wars on the Unreal Engine! I`m really happy about, that I have a chance to test your new beta! In addition, I`m a presenter from an Unreal Fansite (http://www.unreal-universe.de/index.php), so I can write a news about your new beta!
where is the demo??
Gazz - - 20th Oct 2003 17:28
where can i get this demo??
I love StarWars
ADES - - 20th Oct 2003 15:55
Well i played Demo and it was very good. I love this Mod and wanna test it.
UTTroopers Fan
Mame[SWG]Arcad - - 20th Oct 2003 02:48
Id like to register, I'm a very big Star Wars and UT fan! I already beta tested SW Galaxies ;)
Beta Testing Happiness
Hunter Satterwhite - - 20th Oct 2003 00:35
I've been watching this mod for a while and would love to participate in the beta testing.
Volunteer For Beta Test
Taylor - - 19th Oct 2003 23:58
I'd love to help test your new beta.
Looks awesome
Ian Norton - - 19th Oct 2003 21:19
Very sweet looking. I am a 3-D modeller (mostly weapons) and most models that I see look very good.
It is an open beta
eXoR[Troopers] - - 19th Oct 2003 20:30
Hey Mark,
It's not necessary to register here to show interest. When we have the open beta testing session, anyone can just come to our IRC channel and participate. The news will be updated when we have a final date and time for that session.
Volunteer for testing
Mark Burnett - - 19th Oct 2003 19:57
I would to register my interest in being considered for testing.