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Ê Thousands of Ewoks Later Ê - Ê Yoshiro Ê - Ê07th Jan 2006
Sorry to keep you all waiting, but we had to fight off a few legions of ewoks to get the news to the data center to transmit out to you. Now that we’ve made it, it is time to let you know what the folks around these parts have been up to.

To start it off, let us talk about maps. All of our maps are now part of our Objective system. This means we have removed DM and CTF maps. In many cases this does not mean these maps are gone. The mapping team has worked hard converting these into objective style maps, in terms of CTF this included creating a new objective type (very simi.....
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Ê Important Troopers News - Coming in a few days Ê - Ê Yoshiro Ê - Ê04th Dec 2005
Well, it has been awhile since we have updated the page, and that is something we would like to correct. The team has been hard at work trying to improve everybody's favorite mod named Troopers. In the coming days we will have an announcement regarding the status of the mod so please be patient with us. See you in a few days. Ê
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Ê R2D2! It is you! Ê - Ê Yoshiro Ê - Ê20th Jul 2005 23:45
I’m sure many of you have been waiting on a news update from us and I am pleased to say we have some for you today. Over the past few weeks progress has been rolling along and we are pleased with what we have accomplished so far. I would like to take some time and share these most recent changes with the community.

If you check out our new Pic of the Day you will find a render of the new R2 unit, with his data probe arm extending and ready to go. But don’t let that render fool you, R2 still has many more gadgets hidden and waiting in those compartments. "But Yoshi, why does R2 .....
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Ê What We Have Been Up To Ê - Ê Yoshiro Ê - Ê01st Jul 2005 21:25
As you know, the Troopers team is hard at work changing Troopers: Dawn of Destiny into something the team can be proud of. We feel we’ve been quiet long enough and its time you heard some details about things we’ve already accomplished since our last update.

Fullscreen map:
You can bind a key in input settings to toggle a full screen. In input controls / Hud, set Toggle FullScreen Map to a key.

3D Iron Sights
Version 5.0 had 2d texture iron sights. We now have 3d iron sights instead.

Fly By Camera
In this next patch you can .....
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Ê Troopers is looking for Beta Testers Ê - Ê Yoshiro Ê - Ê01st Jun 2005 19:43
The Troopers team is looking for a few good men (or women) to come help us test our latest version of Troopers. As you might have heard we are doing many changes to the game and this might continue for some time. Any release you play as part of the beta team should be considered just that, a beta that is likely to change. We realize many people might not like some of the changes we have made (think realism, don’t complain we won’t listen to a word of it), but as it is this is the way Troopers is heading. Keep in mind when you apply for the beta team that this isn’t the Troopers you remember, ..... Ê
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Ê The Need For Speed Ê - Ê Yoshiro Ê - Ê19th Apr 2005 14:35
After that surprise announcement that we have decided to continue work on Troopers: Dawn of Destiny we have decided that we should let everybody know about some of the things we have already begun working on and changing, several in game already.

To start it off I would like to say we have changed our weapons from a texture based iron sight system to a 3d iron sight system and it’s already a vast improvement to the immersion of the game. We have also begun some changes to the weapons code itself but this is still in heavy development so I won't comment on it until .....
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Ê Troopers: Return of the Devs Ê - Ê Yoshiro Ê - Ê06th Apr 2005 22:02
It has been several months since you have heard news from Troopers, but I am proud to say we are still here. Shortly after the end of the Make Something Unreal Contest the team quietly announced that it was moving on to other projects after loosing key members of the staff. We know many were not pleased with Troopers: Dawn of Destiny v 5, and to be quite honest, neither was the team, but the team was tired and did not have the will to continue. Now some months later, the Troopers team here at Kinetic Studios has pulled together and decided we will not allow version 5 to be the way Troopers go..... Ê
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Ê Troopers: Dawn of Destiny Release 5 Ê - Ê Yoshiro Ê - Ê16th Nov 2004 13:43
Kinetic Studios is happy to announce the release after many weeks of silence of Troopers: Dawn of Destiny version 5. This new version comes with 3 new maps which are Objective_Hoth, CTF_TatooineCruise and BespinPads. Also included in this release is the introduction of the Imperial All Terrain Scout Transport or AT-ST. Even though all the features we would have liked in this release did not make it, we are happy with what we have and feel it is quite enjoyable in the form. Hope to see you all very soon in a galaxy far far away.

Download Locations - Full Zip install only
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