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ÊÊ Ê News
Ê R2D2! It is you!Ê - Ê Yoshiro Ê - Ê20th Jul 2005
I’m sure many of you have been waiting on a news update from us and I am pleased to say we have some for you today. Over the past few weeks progress has been rolling along and we are pleased with what we have accomplished so far. I would like to take some time and share these most recent changes with the community.

If you check out our new Pic of the Day you will find a render of the new R2 unit, with his data probe arm extending and ready to go. But don’t let that render fool you, R2 still has many more gadgets hidden and waiting in those compartments. "But Yoshi, why does R2 need these things?" Why, so he can help the Rebel Alliance achieve victory of course. R2 is an addition to our Objective game type as a new type of objective. He will be joining you and your fellow troopers in the field, helping you to get to places that would be unreachable without him. And while he does his duty, it is going to be up to your team to keep him alive and rolling. Don’t worry if this brave droid falls in the line of combat, as there are more droids to replace him. Don't forget to check out the new poll on this subject!

Next up, we promised you shields on our snubfighters that are supposed to have them. We decided to take it one step further: Not only are applicable fighters equipped with shields, they also now have a power management system so power can be shifted from engine, shield, and laser systems to change the recharge rate (ala the X-Wing series of games). Need more speed? It’s yours. More shields? Done. Not enough fire power? No more. Players will now be able to actively cycle through these different powers systems and input or take away power from them as they see fit.

Also, I would like to remind all those out there that the team is still searching for more developers. If you have skills in the field of player and weapon animation, Unreal mapping, and 3d modeling we are looking for you. Interested parties can find contact and submission information in the Team Openings section of our webpage. I am sorry to say we can’t recruit those who are still new in these fields, as our production pace increases, we need more talented individuals with the drive to help us succeed.

(and a small note to our many commenters, the comments section of these news posts are for quick comments for others to read. For more detailed posts and questions, don't be afraid to drop by our Forums and breath some life into them. We do check it often.)

AeXStrider - - 03rd Dec 2005 04:13
Jetfire - - 25th Nov 2005 09:21
Hehe thanks :D
As soon as I find out what motivates our PR guy, expect an update. The progress is remarkable and really only held back by our shortage of mappers. Practically all of the bugs from the old v5 are long gone; a few remain to be squashed in the multiple new features; however all of our maps need a major overhaul to fit in with the obj-only game model, and this is progressing as can be expected with only two mappers and several maps...
keeep at it
- - 24th Nov 2005 19:10
any progress is good progress : )
MadNad - - 15th Nov 2005 18:36
Not to mention I had a month+ of crunchtime at work working on AAC. Things are back on track and I wouldn't be surprised if you get some more updates.
Jetfire - - 15th Nov 2005 11:49
LOL. Though I admire your turn of phrase, please bear in mind that we do this in our free time, and such talk probably isnt the best way of motivating us. For example, last month I took a week off work (yes work- I have a full time job) and spent the best part of 50 (fifty!) hours on our various maps. I appreciate a media update is well overdue, and I shall see what can be done about that.
you're all slow like snails.
Pope Jelasius - - 15th Nov 2005 03:23
What the hell is taking so long? You post one cruddy pic of R2D2 4 months ago, and that's progress?! Hell, someone could graduate with a PhD in aeronautics before you'll be even close to finishing your vanishing vaporware "offerings" that would make even a hardened russian crone turn away in revulsion. Get your butts in gear!
teal c 27 - - 05th Nov 2005 21:54
when will the remote loading be available?
Jetfire - - 02nd Nov 2005 17:04
we're going! If ppl posted on the forum or loitered on IRC they might recieve more info as to whats going on... :p
teal c 27 - - 31st Oct 2005 13:55
go go go
fabbeh - - 27th Sep 2005 15:35
aaaah right thats fair enough. Thanks for the heads up on the situation anyway : )
- - 26th Sep 2005 10:24
Oh yes indeedy :D main reasons we havent been talking much is that a few of our core members are caught up in RL stuff atm ( due to end very soon) and also not all of the work is really news-worthy- its hard to post pics of weapon balancing :p And the new maps arent out of alpha yet so I dont want to show any of my stuff while its still so ugly ;)
Still going?
fabbeh - - 24th Sep 2005 20:37
I havn't heard any news of this mod for a while... are you guys still working on it? :D
Jetfire - - 18th Aug 2005 19:23
Sorry there, but:- while we remain on this engine, there will never be force sensitive characters- we have been, and always shall be about the average joe soldier- hence the mod name 'Troopers'. Its all about the blaster battles :D
sry i messed up
death19 - - 17th Aug 2005 22:24
sry messed up jedie class cant use guns and has force powers

death19 - - 17th Aug 2005 22:23
how about a jedi class force powers and cat use guns
- - 29th Jul 2005 16:39
How about a bounty hunter class?... maybe speed up, life bit lowered, and the ability to put some traps?
Jetfire - - 25th Jul 2005 09:42
not at all, since ties are way faster than the shielded ships, plus the energy shift affects only the recharge rate, so if you hit hard and fast then the shields dont get the chance to rebuild and its game over ;) (oh, and we arent finished yet with additions, balance is very important to us)
Nice idea, but...
Prisoner_of_the_Ram - - 23rd Jul 2005 08:48
That would unbalance the two factions considering Tie Fighters have no shields.
It wouldn't hurt to try.
Lopar-XL - - 23rd Jul 2005 03:23
It wouldn't hurt to try this idea out for while. I know people have their opinions already on this subject at hand but I believe they won't be able to fully justify their opinion until they've actually tried this game modification.


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