STAY ON TARGET.....STAY ON TARGET..... - MadNad - 14th Jan 2004 22:57
Well, where to start... I see my last .plan update was well.....a long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away. I'll try to start with where I left off on that one :)
Release 2 came and went too quickly, and we scrambled to get everything completed, and in the process of our haste, released a buggy version....and then came 2.1, which is much closer to what we wanted to release. Servers filled up for a day or 2 and sadly disapated. We, the troopers team, were disheartened to see this happen, but not discouraged. Instead, we opened up our eyes and ears a little more and Exor created a mutator that allowed us to change some variables like player running speed and strafing speeds on the fly. This allowed us to get a better feel for the physics without having to rebuild constantly. This greatly helped us find settings that we were all happy with. For all of the public that helped particpate in this, we thank you. With every new internal build we seem to get a little deeper into the Star Wars universe. Its starting to feel less and less like ut2003 and more and more like the universe we all know and love.
Now what have I been doing? I created some basic themes for the deathstar environment just prior to us implementing the objective based gametype. At that point, I decided that the deathstar would be far better suited for an objective based game, instead of a CTF or a TDM version. I was trying to think how to best accomplish this objective DeathStar map and all I could keep thinking of was Xwings & TieFighters... I had some coming down the trench, but that jsut wasn't enough. This is when I decide to start looking at some vehicle code, and before too long I had a tie fighter playable offline with a Trench run test map. Now don't get me wrong, this OBJ-DeathStar map will not be a space sim. You will have to assault the deathstar on foot, as well.
About that time, I was heavily involved with the release of Mr.Pants' Excessive Overkill for UT2003, and was MIA from the Troopers team for a few weeks, then took a break from it all :)
Since then I've created our Troopers Destroy actor that is becoming more customizable each time I look at it. We've incorporated some cool effects with destroyed meshes left behind and flying particles that hurt you, so watch out. I now have online capable Tie Fighters, XWings, & TurboLasers which have been distributed to our beta testers for some online testing. I won't go into too much detail, but Tie Fighters have air targetting capability, with a lead target indicator and lock on, while the Xwing has this feature along with ground targetting. Turbo lasers have targetting but no locking feature, but to make up for that, they can zoom. There are warnings if you have been locked on, a simple hud that displays pertanant information such as speed, power, target range...etc. They really have turned into something quite more than I'd expected, but am very pleased with their progress. Along with this, I have created some special fx for explosions and such in space and a exhaust port. Yep you heard me :)
I've also finally gotten a Lambda shuttle animation rolling and am experimenting with some meshes for the DeathStar surface with your friend and mine GhostEnigma. If you've seen some of those shots, you might be surprised to hear that my P3 933MHz, GF2 GTS/PRO 32MB, 512MB RAM is getting 40+ frames above the surface and about 35 in the trench with all details on max and running 640x480. We've got some other ideas for optimizing this as well, which I think will work out great.
And finally, seeing Troopers in pcgamer as mod of the month was quite rewarding :) Always makes you feel good when you get some praise for your efforts. Congrats my fellow team members.
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