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     The Battlefields of Troopers
The battlefields upon which the gameplay of Troopers will take place will include many of the well-known and recognizable locations from the original Star Wars trilogy. They comprise a wide and varied selection, and are sure to entertain any demographic.

The Death Star

The single largest Imperial starship ever built, this planet-shaped, moon-girthed harbinger of doom is widely known as the most destructive power in the universe. The Death Star can house hundreds of thousands of men, ships, and landing craft, and can travel through hyperspace to its target with graceful ease. Its power is not, however, in its mighty size, nor its unparalleled capacity; rather, it is the high-powered superlaser round which its bulk is constructed that the populaces of so many planets fear. With innards comprised of landing bays, corridors, access tubes and air shafts, Troopers players will be able to compete in lethal combat through some of its key locations.

Imperial Star Destroyer Mark II

The vanguard of the Imperial Fleet and a match for almost any other starship in existence, the Mark II ISD is the most feared capital ship class behind the SSD Executor. Ringed with turbolaser batteries, protected by twin shield capacitors, and adorned in the blanch skull-white of death's grin, ImpStar Deuces are the bain of any enemy of the Imperial Fleet, and are close friends to any loyal commander. Each ship carries the capacity to transform cityscapes to slag and mountains to mulch, and can, with the single utterance of a spoken command, unlease squadron after squadron of any kind of starfighter. Grand Admiral Thrawn, the Empire's most advanced military tactician, stood at the helm of a Mark II himself: The ISD Chimeara. Troopers players will be able to sntangle themselves in battle after battle in the depths of the ISD Iron Regent.

Kuat Drive Yards

Responsible for the construction of the core of the Imperial Fleet, the Kuat Drive Yards, hovering in constant, polluting orbit over the ever-failing planet of Kuat, are the shipyards responsible for creating the Super Star Destroyer Executor, Darth Vader's mammoth flagship. From TIE Fighters and Interceptors to Interdictor Cruisers, from Nebulon-B Frigates to Mark II Star Destroyers, the ships of the most feared fleet in the galaxy can find their roots at KDY. Goliath rusting beams hold together one of the greatest building projects the galaxy has ever seen behind the Death Star itself.

Yavin IV

The bastard child of a gas giant and the sibling of numerous counterparts, Yavin IV is the habitable forest-moon of a tormented planet. Existence on the moon is a difficult but necessary evil for the Rebel Alliance, though the staving off of the planet's native wildlife is not as tough for some as it may be for others. The wildlife of Yavin IV pales in comparison, however, to the Imperial Stormtroopers that have taken up position on the planet. In a perilous, half-forest, half-jungle world where black obsidian rules the architecture and the vistas of the night can seem as bright as day, the soldiers of the Rebel Alliance are never far from the embrace of inexistence.

The Forest Moon of Endor

The Forest Moon is a jungle of woodlands similar in size to Yavin IV's blanketing green, yet of a looser air. The diameters of its trees are matches for even the grandest pillars made by the human hand, and their height reaches levels that give any man vertigo. Swathed in rich forests, rolling savannas, peaked mountain ranges and shallow lakes, this diverse battlefield suits a wide range of combatants and combat styles, and has fallen into contention in the aftermath of the Battle of Endor.

Hoth: The Ice Planet

Barren and bleak and ringed by a massive asteroid belt, Hoth became a last resort for the Rebel Alliance when their wet, lush hideaway of Dantooine was laid bare before the enemy. Resting along the outer rim of the Galaxy, the fabled Ice Planet brings to life a constant torrent of very real windstorms that rip across the surface and redraw contour lines by the hour. The planet has only two native inhabitants: the docile tauntauns, rigged to withstand the freezing cold of the the nightly winters; and the savage wampas, bred to prey on the lesser beings. As terrifying as the wampas may be, however, their strength is insignificant in comparison with the butchering powers of the meteorites that constantly bombard the ice plains, burrowing craters into the ground in milliseconds and being erased from existence even quicker.

Mos Eisley Space Port

A thriving city on the edge of physical and ethical civilization, Mos Eisley is the veritable capital spaceport of Tatooine. Commonly referred to by all that frequent it as "a wretched hive of scum and villany," its populace is less moral than the Emperor and, in some cases, more cunning. Fronting the galaxy-wide loyalty network for ganster-spicelord Jabba the Hutt, the city lives by the credit and dies by the blaster.

And much, much more...


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