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Ê Kinetic Studios is looking for an Animator Ê - Ê Yoshiro Ê - Ê05th Mar 2004 16:14
The Troopers : Dawn of Destiny Team, now under the name of Kinetic Studios, is once more looking to expand its ranks. What the team is currently looking for is a Character Animator who can rig, preferably knowledgable with Maya or 3d Studio Max. Please take a look at the full list of requirements at this address if you're interested.

Additionally, the following set of requirements applies to all Troopers team members to ensure that our team continues to function as a democratic, professional, and motivated g.....
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Ê Troopers Media Blitz Ê - Ê Yoshiro Ê - Ê05th Feb 2004
Well it has been a busy past couple of weeks here at Troopers. While the development team has been hard at work making the next release, the media has been having a Troopers Blitz. To start it off, TechTV is once more running Troopers on the "The Screen Savers" LAN today. Last week was pretty interesting, once people got the IP of the server. Epic was having some Master Server issues at the time, so that turned out to be a problem. Well, now it's time for a rematch and this time Screen Savers, remember there are objectives on objective mode!

Next up we have the review of Troo.....
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Ê Troopers Featured in the Screen Savers LAN Party Ê - Ê ViperEye Ê - Ê23rd Jan 2004
Greetings and good day, folks! It's been a hefty amount of time since our last update, but don't worry: we're still working insanely hard at Troopers. I'm not here to talk to you about how that's going, though (judging by the amount of time I'm around these days, I really can only come out of the proverbial closet for relatively big stuff). No, we're here to today to talk about something quite fun: LAN parties.

For the uninitiated (Don't you just hate that phrase? Makes you feel like everyone sees you with hot fudge riddled through your brains. Sure, it may make you think .....
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Ê Mod 'n Mod Interviews eXoR Ê - Ê eXoR[Troopers] Ê - Ê07th Jan 2004 21:54
The new mod site Mod 'n Mod has interviewed eXoR (yes, that's me). The interview covers a great variety of topics, starting at Troopers history and ending with our future plans.

Some features are reveiled that have never before been spoken of. Additionally, we gave Mod 'n Mod 3 new exclusive pictures to go with their interview. So what are you waiting for? Have a look!
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Ê Gameplay feedback Ê - Ê eXoR[Troopers] Ê - Ê08th Dec 2003

Exactly one week after the official kickoff of our open gameplay testing, we present you with the first round of changes that have been made based on public feedback. Here they are:

Bespin Pads Capture the Flag Map
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Ê Public Gameplay Testing Ê - Ê eXoR[Troopers] Ê - Ê01st Dec 2003
Visitors that frequent our site know that several months ago, we promised public beta testing. Due to timing issues it couldn’t go through that time, but now it’s here! The development team hasn’t been idle in the time since the previous release and has been working on, among other things, a server-side mutator that allows quick changes of all gameplay related game variables. What does this mean? This means that as of this day, an experimental Troopers server is running 24/7 that uses variables dictated by the community. That’s you! When you feel that a certain part of the game might benefit .....
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Ê Troopers Version 2.1 - OUT! Ê - Ê ViperEye Ê - Ê19th Nov 2003
As BeyondUnreal kindly announced in their feature last week, the Troopers team has been hard at work patching and augmenting our V2 release to get things nicely up to snuff, and we can finally say that we're done. After nine distinct internal patches and two different possible release candidates, we're proud to be presenting you with Version 2.10 of Troopers (internally labeled 7.20, as you will be able to see in the included Release Notes)! While you're downloading, you can check out the changelog provided below; it'll give you an idea of what's been modified for 2.1:

New Addi.....
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Ê Where be that darned changelog? Ê - Ê ViperEye Ê - Ê04th Nov 2003


We forgot to include a changelog with our initial release of V2.  Oops!  But that's okay, because as things calm down a bit, we can start to play catch-up.  First up: the changelog!

  • Four brand-new, fully playable maps: TR_CTF-CarbonFreeze, TR_DM-StarDestroyer, TR_CTF-StarDestroyer and TR_OBJ-EndorLandingPad, the latter of which utilizes our brand-new gametype: Objective Match.
  • Two sweet new weapons: Han Solo's classic DL-44 makes its way into the fray, combining powerful shots with the ability to pistol-whip at close range, and the long-begged-for Th.....
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