Troopers: Dawn of Destiny Release 5 - Yoshiro - 16th Nov 2004 13:43
Kinetic Studios is happy to announce the release after many weeks of silence of Troopers: Dawn of Destiny version 5. This new version comes with 3 new maps which are Objective_Hoth, CTF_TatooineCruise and BespinPads. Also included in this release is the introduction of the Imperial All Terrain Scout Transport or AT-ST. Even though all the features we would have liked in this release did not make it, we are happy with what we have and feel it is quite enjoyable in the form. Hope to see you all very soon in a galaxy far far away.
I would like to know what people's points of view are on this new nth degree mod team, making a star wars convertion for ut2k4 that envolves lightsabers an alsorts, do you think they've got what it takes to go against troopers or what?