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Ê The Wheel Weaves As The Wheel Wills Ê - Ê eXoR[Troopers] Ê - Ê05th Sep 2003
Three weeks ago, me, my sister, little brother and parents set on a journey that would take us to Italy, where we’d have our vacation and relax for two weeks. The good part was sun, water, wind, waves and lots of spare time. The bad part of it was no PC and no Troopers for two weeks. Ouch.
So, I did what everyone does who goes on vacation and has to amuse himself without a PC. I loaded up on books. My trip to the local library resulted in two titles from Tom Clancy’s Net Force series, Tom Clancy’s “The Hunt for Red October”, two detective thrillers from Michael Connely a..... |
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Ê How I spent a week of my vacation Ê - Ê eXoR[Troopers] Ê - Ê03rd Aug 2003 19:27
A quite detailed exposition of changes that have been made to the Troopers code in the last week.
Friends is a great series. It really is. There’s nothing more relaxing after unsuccessfully trying to find a bug for several hours than watching a new episode of what in my opinion is the best. Series. Evar. Admittedly, it’s a bit silly every now and then. But the brain deserves some time to cool off on hot days like this.
Guess what? It’s my birthday in 2 days. August 5th will mark the day at which I will be turning 17. Whoohoo! Unfortunately, this anniversary doesn’t come with any cool permissions like last year, when I finally got to drink alcohol legally. But that’s ok. Th..... |
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Ê The coding continues Ê - Ê eXoR[Troopers] Ê - Ê25th Jul 2003 00:03
It looks as if the .plans are really getting popular among our chat regulars – aren’t they Yoshiro? Anyway, I can’t write you a plan as funny as that from Sambo. That was top of the notch. No, I’m saving my real literate skills (if any) for an interview with a local dutch gamesmag that’s coming up soon. Instead, I’ll just give you the lowdown of what I have been doing these past 2 days.
There recently was a discussion on our forum about the fire mode switching on the E11. Some players prefer the auto fire, and want that to be made the one that’s active by default. Others are in..... |
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Ê The demo and beyond Ê - Ê eXoR[Troopers] Ê - Ê21st Jul 2003 12:31
It’s been a rough couple of weeks. Busy as hell, too. I’m really happy with all the feedback that the Demo release has generated. The download numbers are astounding! I’m really happy with that. I hereby want to thank everyone who has downloaded the mod or posted his feedback on our forums. The online player numbers are a bit on the low side for the moment, and I hope that over time more people will play Troopers online. I am aware of the current issues, but rest assured that the Troopers team will do anything in its power to make the mod more enjoyable.
Now that the summer vac..... |
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Ê The Matrix Reloaded, E3 and the mod compo Ê - Ê eXoR[Troopers] Ê - Ê06th Jun 2003
I promised you an update about the new Matrix movie, E3 and the mod compo so here it is. SPOILER ALERT: skip the first part if you haven’t seen The Matrix Reloaded yet and want to be surprised once you do.
I went to see the Matrix the first Saturday it was released. The special effects are awesome, although the computer generated effects on the burly brawl where more noticeable than I thought they would be. The highway scene is insane – absolutely brilliant. I liked that better than the burly brawl since it actually accomplishes something. The burly brawl is all punching and ki..... |
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Ê Starting up Ê - Ê eXoR[Troopers] Ê - Ê12th May 2003
So here’s the first .plan file update. It’ll have a personal touch, unlike from what you’ve seen from me in the rather technical HUD document.
Three more days until The Matrix: Reloaded. I loved the first movie, and watched it over and over again for inspiration for my Bullet Time mutator. I know the quotes by heart and love the fighting scenes with passion. From what I’ve seen in the last trailer, I won’t be disappointed. The special effects work is absolutely amazing and I was absolutely amazed when I heard that the heated burly brawl scene was created in the memory of a PC. ..... |
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Ê The development of the Troopers HUD Ê - Ê eXoR[Troopers] Ê - Ê23rd Apr 2003
A detailed story of how our current HUD came about. It was originally posted as a news item on the old site, but since the news archives aren't being transferred and I thought this to be too valuable to lose, I posted it here as a plan update.
A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away, we had a temporary HUD in the Troopers internal builds. Implementing it had been a great way to learn my way around the UT2003 HUD code (or better yet, how to skip it entirely as I found the game’s system of Widgets to be rather limited). It was also good practice for Kahlzarg, who I worked with for the original HUD textures. We got to get to know the problems that arise when pulling HUDs in-game.
The HUD that was built, however, didn’t really seem to catch the Star Wars atmosphere, which is why you havn’t seen it in any of the early s..... |
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