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ÊÊ Ê News
Ê The demo and beyondÊ - Ê eXoR[Troopers] Ê - Ê21st Jul 2003 12:31
It’s been a rough couple of weeks. Busy as hell, too. I’m really happy with all the feedback that the Demo release has generated. The download numbers are astounding! I’m really happy with that. I hereby want to thank everyone who has downloaded the mod or posted his feedback on our forums. The online player numbers are a bit on the low side for the moment, and I hope that over time more people will play Troopers online. I am aware of the current issues, but rest assured that the Troopers team will do anything in its power to make the mod more enjoyable.

Now that the summer vacation has started, the demo has been released and the sun is shining outside, things are starting to get back to their usual pace again. That means I got back to the code. Some of the most persisting issues brought up in our forums were the low jump height, the spammy character of the game, low bolt speed, weapon balance, lack of left handed weapon support and the dynamic crosshair. This is all being dealt with currently.

This morning, I’ve put support for left handed weapons back in. The bolt speed has been upped a bit. Beta testing has yet to start to see if that gives net play problems or not. I’ve added an option in the Game tab where you can toggle the use of the Dynamic crosshair on and off. When the Dynamic crosshair is disabled, the crosshair is static and remains in the dead center of the screen. To give an indication of the aim error of the weapon, the scale of the crosshair is hooked to the current weapon bob, and by that to the aim error of the weapon. I think those players who do not like the current crosshair setup will be pleased with the alternative that has been created for them. Countering the overall spammyness is a tricky one to tackle. Several players such as Aserka, who I hereby thank for his feedback, have suggested to lower the strafe and backwards speed in relation to the forward speed, so you can’t strafe or back up as fast as you can run forward. Although it seemed at first as if the Unreal Engine did not have support to modify this aspect of player speeds, an email from Steven Polge helped me out and pointed me to the hook I needed for this to work. This system has now been successfully implemented, and is scheduled for beta testing. The jump height will be increased soon, albeit just slightly.

I hope everyone reading this will realize that we’re doing whatever we can to satisfy you, our fans, and that we are listening to the comments posted on our forums. Please keep posting them! There have been some really good threads with constructive criticism, like the New Troopers Idea’s thread by trogetta. Threads like that are great! Keep ‘em coming.

Now, I have a barbecue to attend to. Enjoy the game guys. We really hope you do.

schNUffY - - 27th Jul 2003 17:28
can you explain me the meening of "spammy charakter of the game" please?
Yoshiro - - 21st Jul 2003 19:21
Great to hear. If you need any more support in the beta testing area, remember we are all here for you hehe.
Trogetta[Mofassa] - - 21st Jul 2003 19:05
really do do, like the post nice work here exor...I'M MENTIONED!
Bigshot_TIO - - 21st Jul 2003 15:25
great work so far exor, fix those bugs man! can I be a BETA Tester? I have had extensive work in BETAing other games, most recently SWG.
Dragunov - - 21st Jul 2003 14:38
Very nice, with your work and our suppor, this mod can bes the best mod ever

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