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Ê I'm Scared, Pa! Ê - Ê ViperEye Ê - Ê03rd Jun 2004 02:10
Goodness gracious. It has been one heck of a long time.

Let’s see now. The last time I left you, I was going to bomb DirecTV for screwing up on delivering me my DVR, which ended up never coming. I, in a varying state of anger and pissed-offness, idiotically decided to ask for my money back and cancel my order. I say idiotically, for if I had not performed that miserably unfortunate act, I would be watching recorded TV at this very moment instead of sitting in front of my keyboard, pretending to be writing a school essay while in fact jotting down a much more enjoyable (and .....
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Ê I Vote We Bomb DirecTV Ê - Ê ViperEye Ê - Ê11th Nov 2003 18:12
I am a very happy customer of DirecTV. I long ago learned the glories of sattelite television, and many a day will go channel-surfing through their oh-so-navigable menus. I often find myself checking Tech TV, Spike TV, and the all-glorious FX and Comedy Central channels many times a day. Recently, however, I realized that I needed more. I needed to be able to record shows. Screw pausing live TV - the reason they have commercials is for bathroom and Coke breaks, not to sell you crappy products some dude's mom thought up during her midday nap. But with my merciless schedule, I'm never abl..... Ê
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Ê Sleek, slim, black. Oh, how I love my keyboard. Ê - Ê ViperEye Ê - Ê25th Oct 2003 02:46
You must understand that I am a writer. While, lately, it's quite true that I haven't had much time to do what I love most, writing is still an important, if not necessary part of my life. Much like an athlete feels WRONG without getting out onto that field every so often, my fingers start twitching if I don't start tapping keys.

So now, in an un-paid-for bit of product advertising, I'm going to talk about my new best friend: the Logitech Elite Keyboard.

First off, I have no need for cordless keyboards. I see no point to them. I sit at my computer when.....
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Ê The Truth of the Matter Ê - Ê ViperEye Ê - Ê16th Oct 2003
Okay, I'm going to come right out and say it. The truth. The honest-to-goodness truth:

Combining 8-hour work days with 12-hour schoolwork schedules is about as fun as pasting the graphite ends of pencils together after shoving them through either ear. Yeah, the payoff's great, but good golly, does it ever hurt.

The payoff's great, literally: I get a solid $150 a week for living inside a womb lined with movies. I get money. I get free movies. I get 89 cent Cokes in a city where they run $1.25. I'm loving it. And it isn't McDonald's.

Until I .....
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Ê Job Perks Can Be Mighty Enticing Ê - Ê ViperEye Ê - Ê16th Sep 2003 05:09
For the past couple of weeks, I've had the immense pleasure of working at my first real job. This may not seem like much, until you think about the fact that I am now an employee at Blockbuster Video.

Very few first jobs have the perks I'm getting now.

I get to rent seven free movies a week. Now, that's provided that they are more than thirty days old, but that's no problem, because anything that's coming out, I get to watch BEFORE it "hits the street," just by signing it out of the back. I get a discount on edibles, which means my sodas cost around thr.....
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Ê I am caught in a commercial Ê - Ê ViperEye Ê - Ê27th Jul 2003 19:00
I'm very doubtful that any of you will remember or even recognize what I'll be talking about here, but I hope you bare with me. You see, a while back there was a Burger King commercial on TV that was shouting out about this new 2-for-2 deal they had; you paid two bucks for two burgers, or two large fries, or two sodas, and they compared the whole "two" thing to how the number two seemed to be popping up everywhere. Two eyes. Two shoes. Two basketball players playing basketball underneath -- you guessed it -- two baskets.

Oh. My. Dear. God.

Waking up this m.....
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Ê It's another one. Ê - Ê ViperEye Ê - Ê24th Jul 2003 01:23
So soon? He must be full of himself!


Yeah, I know. .plans are supposed to be used to update folks on what individual team members are doing. The problem is that I'm the PR guy. I just sorta... talk. A lot. Sometimes what I say sounds interesting enough to be thrown around. Most of the time it doesn't. Of course, when it DOES get thrown around, that means it gets seen pretty quickly, making the total purpose of my having a .plan section equal precisely ziltch.

Well, that's not completely true.

You see, I have a very over-inflated ego. Or I pretend I do, which is pretty muc.....
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Ê Complimenting the Ego Ê - Ê ViperEye Ê - Ê21st Jul 2003 18:49
I rattle on about nonsense in an effort to fill space.

Okay, so it isn't exactly nonsense, but hey, it's something to read, right? Folks come to websites because they want to read the material that's on the website. Spiffy sites get pictures, too, but that's stretching things for low-budget projects.

Troopers has been released. Or, more appropriately, the Troopers Demo. It's filled with five Troopers shooting, four blasters blazing, three mappers mapping, two factions fighting, and an intro to wrap it all up (sing that to the "Days of Christmas" tune, and it feels like you're getting presents!). Already we've found about a bak.....
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