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  Job Perks Can Be Mighty Enticing  -   ViperEye   -  16th Sep 2003 05:09
For the past couple of weeks, I've had the immense pleasure of working at my first real job. This may not seem like much, until you think about the fact that I am now an employee at Blockbuster Video.

Very few first jobs have the perks I'm getting now.

I get to rent seven free movies a week. Now, that's provided that they are more than thirty days old, but that's no problem, because anything that's coming out, I get to watch BEFORE it "hits the street," just by signing it out of the back. I get a discount on edibles, which means my sodas cost around three quarters, and I do nothing but stand around all shift at the register pointing a little laser thing at small white objects and grinning like an idiot as I pretend to be vaporizing a colony of very tiny people. To compound it all, as I walked out the door of my most recent shift, I was carrying a huge carton full of doritos in my arms, and I didn't pay a penny for them.

Yup. Blockbuster perks rule all.

The problem is that with all upsides come downsides. And sidesides. And backsides. And frontsides. And fifth-dimentionalsides. And VE-you've-taken-the-joke-too-farsides.

For me, the downside would be a lack of computer access; when you combine six hours of work a day with my already hectic 12-hour-a-day school schedule, you get a grand total of (do the math, kids) six hours of time to squeeze in both sleep and Troopers work, alongside several other duties I have to perform (i.e. whapping my sister over the head with the microphone she broke, and giving my cat massages because I never learned the meaning of the word 'pet' -- something that makes no sense at all, because I call my cat my 'pet').

And yes, if you can spot the worthless joke that's in there, you get a nickel. Feel free to call me at * to get me to pay up. You get a full buck if you can spot the second gag, and twenty if you can spot the third.

Do I have your attention now? No? Good, then I won't tell you all that we have a working Objective-based map in-game, and it rocks all. It's a VERY simple conversion of the Yavin IV map that you've all played with the Demo, minus the temple, so it's all outside. I gotta tell you, the map is about as simple as it possibly gets; its creation was a very simple proof of concept. And yet I can't stop thinking about it. It's just FUN to play.

But, of course, you didn't hear that, because you weren't listening, because I lost your attention in my inane drivel about phone numbers and nickels.

Not that it matters. After all, I AM a Blockbuster employee.

*Do NOT actually call this number... it isn't mine. I do feel mighty sorry for the dude who has this number, though, and it isn't just because I've pretty much garunteed that he'll be getting some unwanted calls.**

**And yes, I just gave you a hint as to the second joke.
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