Ê How I spent a week of my vacationÊ - Ê eXoR[Troopers] Ê - Ê03rd Aug 2003 19:27
A quite detailed exposition of changes that have been made to the Troopers code in the last week.
Friends is a great series. It really is. There’s nothing more relaxing after unsuccessfully trying to find a bug for several hours than watching a new episode of what in my opinion is the best. Series. Evar. Admittedly, it’s a bit silly every now and then. But the brain deserves some time to cool off on hot days like this.
Guess what? It’s my birthday in 2 days. August 5th will mark the day at which I will be turning 17. Whoohoo! Unfortunately, this anniversary doesn’t come with any cool permissions like last year, when I finally got to drink alcohol legally. But that’s ok. This year has been good enough to make up for that.
With a little luck, my birthday will come with an Audigy 2 Player and Logitech Z340 speakers. According to a certain elephant-bellow lover, that should get me a much better sound experience than the Terratec DMX X-Fire 1024 that I’m currently using, and which is refusing to give me decent EAX. I hope the mailman will be on time.
Work on Troopers is going at a steady pace. Even more community requested features have been implemented the past days. A decent set of them involve the workings of our chat area. You now have the option to keep a blank typing line at all times. You also get to choose if you want the typing line at the top or bottom of your chat area. Additionally, you can select the preferred scrolling method for the chat area, which is either top to bottom or bottom to top. If that wasn’t enough, I’ve added a slider that allows you to control the font size of the messages in the chat window. I hope this pleases everyone’s chatting needs.
Along with that set of new options came a revision to the Settings menu. There simply wasn’t enough room to put all of them in a decent spot with our previous tab layout. Therefore, a new tab has been added named Hud. This is where most of the options existing options on the Game tab have moved. After all, almost all options that we used to have there involved the Hud. The Game tab now holds the game specific options, such as auto reloading and dodging. New options that have been added to this tab include a slider to control how long dead bodies remain on the ground before disappearing with a derez effect, and an option to automatically respawn. What use that has, you ask? Well, we’ve recently added a small respawn delay to the game types to bring down the pace of the game a bit and to make everyone value their in-game lives. When you have been killed, you currently have to wait 5 seconds before you can respawn again. The value of 5 is still to be tweaked, by the way. That’s where the new option comes in. If you don’t want to have to click the mouse button every time you want to respawn, you just turn on the auto respawning option and you’ll respawn as soon as the wait delay has passed.
When SC2711 recently visited the channel, he told how he found the bots to behave rather strangely in Troopers: they would never switch weapons and always use the most powerful guns, being A280 and DLT19. I never really consciously noticed the fact that they didn’t, and I had never seen it is a bug or problem before. But when SC2711 said it, it suddenly occurred to me that the bots could improve in that area. So I started working. I taught the bots how to rate their weapons, so they can decide when to use what gun. The E11 and DH17 are rated higher when the bot’s enemy is close by. A weapon is rated lower as its ammo depletes. This should make bots switch between weapons more, and bring them one step closer to playing as humans. In addition, the AI has been changed a bit based on a long standing comment from Calva. In the demo build, bots who are recharging will not react when they are shot. I changed this, so that recharging bots are made aware of hazards that present them while they are recharging.
I’ve also done some smaller tweaks and fixes. The target ID brackets of friendly players now flash when they have just said something. This includes voice messages. The player Karma data has been updated with a new .ka file from Ghost Enigma. This fixes the long neck problems for the Rebel meshes. The problem persists for Storm Troopers, at least on my computer, but we’re looking into that. In consultation with MadNad, the player hit effects have been tweaked slightly so that the effects that take the most performance, the player hit smokes, only show when world detail is at High or above. This should hopefully help the players who have reported low frame rates. Evilitchy and others have reported a problem with the bolts, where they would sometimes stretch out through the entire map without moving. This has also been fixed. With Epic’s help, we’re also looking into the Mac compatibility issues that currently exist. The Linux menu issue where the player model is drawn on menu’s where it shouldn’t be, should also be fixed. Last but not least, the net code for gun firing has been updated. Shooting in auto fire and burst should now give a better representation of aim error in net games.
So, that’s quite a list. And I just remembered some things that I forgot to mention! Isn’t it just lovely how much time vacation gives you to work on stuff?
I know, but in the controls-menu, I changed the reload-key from CTRL to R, but it doesn't work, normally if you bind an action to another key, like I did, it should work, but it doesn't, can you fix this please, so you can freely bound any action to any key, you want
And can you also do something abou the light, sometimes you see the ligth throug the wall and then fade away
It just keeps getting better, doesn't it?
shipz - - 07th Aug 2003 18:53
This mod just keeps getting better, doesn't it? I have a feeling by the time it's done it's going to be like a whole new game! :)
Umm, Drag?
ViperEye - - 05th Aug 2003 17:42
R isn't the default reload key, control is =)
Dragunov - - 05th Aug 2003 14:12
Yes and don't forget to check follwoing thing, I play with auto-reload, but then I cannot change it when I push the R-button, who stands for reload, he just doesn't reload
Bigshot_TIO - - 04th Aug 2003 17:21
keep up the good work Exor! and please tell VE to cut the crap and give us the next patch lol