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Ê The Matrix Reloaded, E3 and the mod compoÊ - Ê eXoR[Troopers] Ê - Ê06th Jun 2003
I promised you an update about the new Matrix movie, E3 and the mod compo so here it is. SPOILER ALERT: skip the first part if you haven’t seen The Matrix Reloaded yet and want to be surprised once you do.

I went to see the Matrix the first Saturday it was released. The special effects are awesome, although the computer generated effects on the burly brawl where more noticeable than I thought they would be. The highway scene is insane – absolutely brilliant. I liked that better than the burly brawl since it actually accomplishes something. The burly brawl is all punching and kicking, but no-one dies. Neo doesn’t win, Smithy doesn’t either. But the way Morpheus deals with those evil twins in the end of the highway scene really make it worthwhile.
I really liked the second half of the Reloaded plot. I love the way it explains the powers of Neo. Instead of being an almighty Superhero with powers that are magical and don’t make any sense at all, he’s transformed into an instrument for the system he’s trying to fight. Brilliant. I’m really looking forward to seeing the final movie later this year.
Sambo told me that the game is good as well, but with Halflife tech and a singleplayer only experience I’m not going to risk my money for it. I’ll wait until it’s available as a budget title, just to see what I missed.

On to E3. Half-life 2 owned. Period. I drooled over the 500 MB gamespy movie over and over again. In fact, I was speaking so highly of it when I went to see The Matrix with my friend Calva that he felt I was betraying the Unreal Engine. Although I certainly don’t want to do that, Valve deserves some big kudos for what they’ve done. The interactivity and unity of the world they created is – from what we’ve been able to see in the movies – totally awesome. I’ll certainly be picking that game up when it’s released.
Unreal Tournament 2004 sounds cool for us modders. Having vehicles that actually work and can use the AI functions creates some interesting opportunities. On top of that, a new official game means more chances of the harder to fix Ut2003 bugs being solved. Or so I hope. Many say that the Onslaught mode reminds them a lot of HALO. Never having played that title, I’m looking forward to seeing how they mixed Tribes with Ut2003. It’ll certainly be weird to shock combo an aircraft to another world. I guess there’s a first time for everything.
Doom 3 was nice. I expected more news than a trailer, but I guess they’re saving that for QuakeCon. (God forgive me for writing the Q-word in public. MadNad knows what I’m talking about.)

I was both pleasantly surprised and concerned when Epic did the official mod compo announcement. July 15th is damn soon. The prizes are great though and I think it’s a good way for Epic to promote their product and its mods and to stimulate the mod community. I’m thinking of doing one or more small projects on my own to enter with, as the rules pleasantly state that you can enter with as much projects as you want in as much categories as you want. That’ll give me something to do in my summer break.

So, that’s it. Not much Troopers related info this time, but an imminent main site news update should soothe your pains. Until next time. Oh – be sure to check out the cool poem that Viper did. It’s on the forum somewhere in a releasedate thread.
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