Troopers 3.0 is OUT - Yoshiro - 07th Jun 2004 23:36
Troopers: Dawn of Destiny has released version 3.0 for Unreal Tournament 2004. The file is available here at various mirrors that are listed below! Be sure to check out our forums for the latest news and to give us feedback. The link is on the left.
This release features several new maps, revamped gametypes of CTF, TDM (which now have a choose loadout system), and OBJ (which is now on a class system) as well as many new weapons and the addition of the first two vehicles the X-wing and TIE fighter.
Troopers: Dawn of Destiny is a Total Conversion for Unreal Tournament 2004 that crosses the boundary line between Game and Experience to bring you an atmospheric, involving, multiplayer-based tactical first-person shooter set in the fictional universe that has been at the heart of science fiction for over thirty years. Sporting an exciting combination of all-new playable characters; breathtaking, groundbreaking battlefields; completely authentic and technically realistic weaponry; and both old and new modes of team-oriented gameplay; Troopers completely revamps UT2004, turning the game into a supportive platform for a completely new breed of Star Wars experience. 3.0 is the current release, but the team is hard at work preparing more content for the mod including but not limited to new weapons, maps, models, and Vehicles. Come experience the galactic civil war.
Be sure to leave your feedback for us so we can fix up any mistakes and tell us how you feel about Troopers as a whole.
Well I feel a bit funny caus Ive just played this mod for nine hours straight I kid ye not.
It really is a fantastic mod mith an awful lot of potential.
Right this mo tho theres an awful lot of bugs and some tweaking needs doing, so if u are cursed with a slow connection u might want to wait till the patch is done before u bother.
It is so worth it tho :) good job team
VonFIDDE - - 10th Jun 2004 17:11
This has mod is the most overrated of em all... Comeon people no one is really playing it.. and nothing really happends to this mod.. i dont get.. it.. what makes this mod so freAKING SPECAIL?
good mod
Star Wars Man - - 10th Jun 2004 11:43
i love this mod its very good mod and maps are good good job team
Scify - - 10th Jun 2004 06:45
I get that error box. something about runtime.Anyone can help.
Scify - - 10th Jun 2004 06:42
mod install fine but start i get that grey box saying runtime .How can I fix it.I have install two mod like no prolbem.Anyone can help me.
Scify - - 10th Jun 2004 06:42
mod install fine but start i get that grey box saying runtime .How can I fix it.I have install two mod like no prolbem.Anyone can help me.
I think it's the best!
gutter - - 10th Jun 2004 06:34
I love this mod I love this mod I love this mod I love this mod.
You're a little short...
Aynsley McGurk - - 09th Jun 2004 18:30
I spent the morning downloading 0.3 & had a wee bit of bother installin' but WOW what a job the mod team hav done, its so authentic and plays like a dream! The music's obv had a lot of hard wrk put in by the team but its mega-d.i.s.c.o. & I need to hear that familiar tune, guess it'll never happen tho'.(reckon its better than UT2004?)
Client or Server?
alienzero - - 09th Jun 2004 18:14
I downloaded the file that claimed to be the client files, but only turned out to be server files. What gives? I spent hours downloading only to get the wrong file.
Specify more clearly which is server and client. I guess the client file it the .Umod pack. Does this work with Linux?
- - 09th Jun 2004 11:25
all bad links
need to supply faster mirrors
Erm, no Fidde.
Friendly - Question and Answer - 08th Jun 2004 18:42
Gotta disagree Fidde.
What the heck!!!!?!?!?
VonFIDDE - - 08th Jun 2004 17:25
I dont get it, why is there a box around targets? thats stupid and very very uncool. Second of all why not use basic laserweapons as those in the movie?!? Ithink you guys took a good game/mod/idea and turned it into JUNK. Its slow and laggy and the maps are more or less the worst ive seen so far. Use basic utmaps instead of those uggly ones..... i really really hope this mod will get better but it dosent seem to happen much so i guess its about 2 DIE... ;(
I hope there will be more servers then for those others mods ;)
VonFIDDE - - 08th Jun 2004 13:07
I really hope we will see plenty of ut2k4 servers out there ;) Also its awsome that you added 2 vehicles ;)
Nathan Hoover - - 08th Jun 2004 03:01
/\My site/\
Yeah so is another
Suddenly_Dead - - 08th Jun 2004 02:47
FPSCentral's mirror is working perfectly. Registration there is free, and gets me loads of 100kb/s and up files (incl. new and popular mods and the like)
Suddenly_Dead - - 08th Jun 2004 02:39
How to install
AL - - 08th Jun 2004 01:40
I got it from file planet but there is no executable in the zip file. Only a bat file thing that doesnt work.
TheNarcis - - 08th Jun 2004 01:21
Sometimes it takes up to 20 minutes before the DL transferes from your temp folder. It depends ont he file size and site at times. Doesnt matter how fast youyr connection is. It did the same thing to a TON of people on the huge file size of Far Cry. Let it sit for a while it will eventually transfer.
pissed - - 07th Jun 2004 21:26
downloaded this 3 times today and everytime (frome 3 different mirrirs) it gets to 99% and then freezes....i give up
Loto_Bak - - 07th Jun 2004 18:27
Played.. concored... enjoyed :) top notch very fun
download link
r00t3d - - 07th Jun 2004 18:20 have the file mirrored for download. FREE register.
download link
r00t3d - - 07th Jun 2004 18:06 have the file mirrored for download. FREE register.