A Statement to the Community - ViperEye - 12th Jul 2003
Well, ladies and gentlemen, it has been a trying day for everyone. Many things have been said, many of which should never have been spoken aloud. No single party is at fault, and no single party is to blame. It is now the end of a long day, a sleepless day begun this time last night, a day riddled with regret, determination, questioning, and confidence.
And what have the events of this day taught? That, while mistakes may be made and the paths of trouble crossed, we learn from our pasts and we fight for our futures. For Troopers, the future we care about more than any other is that of the mod: it will go on. While the forums of both the old and new Troopers websites have been plagued with a debacle that has seemed irresolvable, the Troopers Development Team has, through it all, continued to work desperately hard on our soon-to-be-released project. All our other desires have crumbled as the day has worn steadily on.
We do not wish to fight. We have no desire to drag a debate into eternity, with no resolution in sight. We never really wanted any trouble at all, and we do not wish to be the bearers of troublesome words. Ergo, Troopers will not be posting its "side" of this most profound story; time has allowed the scorched wounds to heal slightly, and we simply see no need to tear them open once more. We hope that the people who have been following Troopers so diligently will understand our desire to simply try and get back to what we love most, to what we always wanted: to work on the mod, pure and simple.
The Troopers Development Team is stronger than it has ever been before. The Troopers mod will be released in less than two days. We have made the decision not to allow the events of the past day and the past week to affect the release date, and we are, subsequently, working harder than we ever have before to ensure that, upon release, Troopers will be a modification to treasure, even with the limited content of its Demo state. We invite everyone, past and present, to try our mod out upon release, and give us every piece of criticism you have, both positive and negative. Then next time, we'll do it better. And the time after that, even better. We are sticking around, with more love for this project than ever before. And through it all, we hope to see you with us, guiding us through troublesome spots and cheering us on when we get things right.
Thank you for everything you have done for the Troopers mod and for the Development Team. In return, we only hope we can pay you back with as great a modification as we can provide.