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Ê Feature List!Ê - Ê ViperEye Ê - Ê13th Jul 2003
Well, we promised it to you, and here it is. With the mod releasing sometime tomorrow, and the team working harder than ever on finishing it up, here's a full-fledged feature list to whet your appetites even further!

  • All modification artwork, audio work, music, and models in Troopers are 100% original: nothing has been copied or taken from sources other than UT2K3 itself, and then only minimally.

  • Over 49.000 lines of code, resulting in some of the most advanced systems you’ve ever seen in a mod. Every line of code that is not Epic’s has been written by Troopers.

  • Three player models including the Stormtrooper and the Fleet Rebel.

  • Six distinct skins, combined with the models to make eight different characters. Each character has a detailed personal history, as explained in the character biographies.

  • Four weapons from the Star Wars universe: the DH-17 Blaster Pistol, E-11 Blaster Rifle, A280 Heavy Blaster, and the DLT-19 Blaster Rifle. All weapons have high-detail skins and unique, custom animations.

  • Each weapon features at least two distinct fire modes; the E-11 has three.

  • Three completely tested, themed maps, built with entirely new assets from the ground up. Capture the Flag in the swamps of Dagobah, fight alongside your teammates in an abandoned Massassi temple on Yavin IV, or struggle for the control of an Endor AT-AT Hangar – it’s all possible.

  • Three game types featuring both Capture the Flag and Team Deathmatch tailored to Troopers gameplay, as well as the new CleanSweep gametype, a combination of some of the best capture-and-hold gametypes from various games, with a unique Troopers twist slotted in.

  • Four brand-new music tracks that combine classic themes with the charged pace of tactical action.

  • An enormous amount of newly-created sounds, ranging from the smallest items like simple menu clicks, to bolts whizzing by your head, machines making idle noises as you pass them by in-game, weapons reloading, players grunting and screaming in pain; every single sound effect in Troopers is original and high-quality.

  • Two custom voice packs, one for each side. If you ever wanted to tell Rebel scum to die, now is your chance. The code behind the voice packs has been augmented to allow for a subdivision of the “Other” sounds into multiple categories. Orders that are given through the speech menu are accompanied by character gestures.

  • A new announcer voice that replaces the constant rambling of the sport commentator in the background. The functionality of announcements has been updated to be effective, yet not annoying.

  • Four separately designed, modeled, and audibly distinct recharge stations that allow you to patch your wounds and recharge drained power packs in the heat of battle.

  • Several advanced emitter effects to please the eye. The life of a blaster bolt is surrounded by emitters, from it’s creation in the weapon barrel to the destruction on the armor of a Storm Trooper: there are effects to accompany it all.

  • A completely dynamic menu-configurable Heads-Up Display! The Troopers HUD can be completely configured from the in-game menus, from size and dimension to the placement of every single piece, or its lack of presence at all. If you would prefer to have your chat window on the lower left, extended so it can hold more messages, and the score on the upper right, then you’ll have that setup in a matter of seconds by using the HUD configuration system.

  • Per-character arms. In most games, the character arms viewed in first person don’t match with those of the third person character. Not so in Troopers. Every character has its own arm skin, making sure that everything matches up perfectly.

  • A completely unique aiming system that creates a challenge for both newcomers and veterans! The aiming in Troopers is centered around the weapon barrel itself. Barrel location has been stored in all weapon models, which is queried when the blaster fires. Your projectile will follow the exact path in which the weapon barrel is pointing at the time you fire. Various physical situations like jumping, running, crouching and rapidly firing have an effect on the control of the weapon, which results in the weapon bobbing in your hands.

  • A dynamic reticule to go with the new aiming system. The reticule in Troopers shows, at all times, exactly where a projectile shot from the weapon at that time will hit. This allows veterans to carefully time their shots, with pinpoint accuracy, while beginners can use the reticule like they would in any other game.

  • An advanced web query system is built into the server browser. A Troopers Message of the Day has been added to the server browser, which displays along with the default UT2003 MotD. This Message of the Day is retrieved from our web servers, or in the case that fails, one of the backup servers. There is support for a specific MotD for every build of Troopers. The Troopers web servers are also queried to check if you are running the latest version of the game. If you’re not, you will be notified of this with a clickable URL leading to download location for the update. Last but not least, there is a query for the latest IRC channel. When Troopers hosts a chat or other IRC based event, the in-game chat client can automatically be set to that server and channel.

  • New player animation set. You won’t find double jumping Stormtroopers in our mod. The animations have been tailored to a more realistic universe, and the taunt animations include some classics.

  • Severely augmented Artificial Intelligence. The bots in Troopers can do anything that a human can do, from reloading their weapons, to swapping empty weapons for better ones or enemy weapons, to recharging themselves at recharge stations, to controlling CleanSweep CapPoints; they can do it all. In addition, a great deal of effort has been put into making the AI play like they would in the movies, resulting in dynamic Squad creation systems and more coherent Squad play among bots. A spawning bot will decide if it is, at that time, better to start a new Squad and go after an as-yet uncovered objective, or to join the Squad of someone nearby. When Squad members see that their Squad leader is getting far away from them, they request him to wait up. Special algorithms decide whether the leader should wait up or not. Once in a squad, the bots will stick to the leader, resulting in several packs of tightly grouped Stormtroopers roaming the maps. Weapon AI code has been customized so the bots know what the best weapon is for each situation, and when to use which firing mode.

  • Customized User Interface. The UT2003 menus have been modified to fit in Troopers and to show Troopers-related information only. The boring UT2003 loading screens have been replaced by stylized screenshots of the map being loaded, under which a unique story for each map is displayed. For custom maps, there is support for custom loading screens with their own stories.

  • Extended authorship has been performed for Troopers. There is an advanced game manual, release notes, a Troopers mapping guide, in-game loading screen stories, character biographies, map descriptions, and more. All the information has it roots in the Star Wars extended universe: every piece of the story has a motivation and background.

  • Target Identification and Objective Identification systems are incorporated to stimulate team play and help you find your way around to all of the objectives.
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gives it to us!!
gollum - - 14th Jul 2003 12:22
we wants it now.. we needs the precious!!
Jar Jar Stinks - - 14th Jul 2003 12:22
Man this rocks! Simply Genius
Megamix - - 14th Jul 2003 11:27
3 Maps is that it??
Minh Lo Hwang - - 14th Jul 2003 10:49
christmas is early this year;)
thank guys it sounds very interesting .
have a nice time:)

Dragunov - - 14th Jul 2003 10:34
This are just the features of a retail game, I like it very much

A lot of THanks to the whole

I wan't it!
Razor - - 14th Jul 2003 10:31
u mama!
To quote Flounder
Paligap - - 14th Jul 2003 10:05
To quote Flounder from Animal HOuse -
"This is going to be greeeaaat!"

I will be downloading it at work and it's making me reinstall UT2k3 on my work machine
c0bra - - 14th Jul 2003 08:06
this makes meh horneh
|conoclast - - 14th Jul 2003 06:54
so..... it's 5:53pm on Monday the 14th..... i know that may only be in NZ but COMMON..... a wanna plaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy :D
Slight modification
ViperEye - - 14th Jul 2003 05:47
Sorry fellas, I pointed out that everything in the mod has been created in-house, when in fact there ARE items from base UT2K3 in the mod. DOH!

Sorry folks. My bad.
word up
Andrew - - 14th Jul 2003 03:09
wow ive tried a few mods lately nothing looks or is as good as this w00t!
Tomorrow (in a galaxy far away)
MrBozack - - 14th Jul 2003 02:37
sheeseh... I should get some sleep now!
Count on me being there!
Teknoman - - 14th Jul 2003 02:00
Im gonna download this tomorrow! I've been waiting for this mod since it was announced!
frog - - 14th Jul 2003 01:39
uve made it sound very impressive iam gonna get my big hands on it 2morrow 1st thing are u gonna include vehicles cos there is a shed load of reference material there

I need it now..
Alpha - - 14th Jul 2003 01:01
I can't wait another day
Boysetsfire - - 14th Jul 2003 00:18
Sure uve got enough stuff there??
Trogetta - - 14th Jul 2003 00:17
lookin slick...can't wait
- - 13th Jul 2003 23:51
d00d thats awsome
T - - 13th Jul 2003 23:20
it weill be decent, but best? not by a long shot, if you had bothered to take a look at other mods, there are much more original ideas out there that are made very well
oldmanfunk - - 13th Jul 2003 21:38
This is really nice. It actually sounds like a new game. Other recently released mods are nothing compared to this. I'll have my review on as soon as its released (well not as soon, i'll have to play it for 6 hour ours 1st ;)


how big will it be? I may be able to have a mirror for you...
Contact me if your interested.
sEan (STigmurdER on UT2003) - - 13th Jul 2003 21:14
I've been looking forward to this.
holy crap
Spyral - - 13th Jul 2003 21:03
This is gonna rock!
Agent 17 - - 13th Jul 2003 17:41
This is going to be the best UT2003 mod ever regardless of what people say!
EnisDonKing - - 13th Jul 2003 14:25
|conoclast - - 13th Jul 2003 13:59
... nuff said
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