Well, with the release of TDOD, I finally got a few days rest. I needed it too, I think I was getting grumpy :) Its quite funny thinking back at our scrambling together to get the MOD together for the release, but at the time, I was feeling the pressure. I think everyone on the team made some sort of sacrifice to make this happen. I say it again, all these guys rock!
I had a blast playing on the online servers for the following couple of days after release. However, after a couple of days rest, both Shroom and I jumped right into creating more maps. I will also be finishing/fixing EndorAssault and the Into for the next update as well, and Shroom will be updating Dag and Yavin as well. With my latest map, I plan on adding, or have added, a lot more interfacing with the user and the map. Along with this comes some tactical moves that I hope add to the gameplay. We will be beta testing this soon to get a better understanding of how it will work in game.
So, what are the new maps in progress? Check out Shroom's *.plan, and he will tell you about his latest project. I have begun a TDM-DeathStar map. This is probably the most fun I have ever had making a map. I have been creating every scene with reference shots, trying to balance authenticity with gameplay. I also want the player to feel like he is involved in a much bigger battle than just a blaster shoot out in the corridoors of the DeathStar. I'm going as far as adding skybridges that can be disabled for a period of time by "blasting the controls", xwing tie trench flybys, to the little roaming mouse droid. The shooting of the controls is working great, and have recently gotten it to be a placeable actor for the other mappers to use if they opt to. Its such a StarWars move, I hope it works out. I also plan to begin some beta testing on the map in a another week or so, and will hopefully release some screenshots by then as well.
As far as effects, I plan on creating a theramal detonator explosion, exploding ties, and xwings, firing turret guns on the DeathStar trench, water splashes and whatever any of the other mappers ask me to do. I had fun recreating the TractorBeam room effects, it won't be a sheet like some of the beta testers saw in the StarDestroyer level. We will we have a few other surprises in the effects category for the next update as well.
Can you not wait with releasing some maps, IF you gonna use UT2k4, there are object-based modes, like onslaught and assault, very good for Battle for Hoth and so,
no TDM please ...
JaFO - - 24th Jul 2003 12:11
Such a map as the 'Deathstar' would be better with either Cleansweep or some kind of objective-based thing.
Perhaps it could involve the rebels escaping from the prison and/or stealing the plans ...
Anything but TDM at least.