Ê Public Gameplay TestingÊ - Ê eXoR[Troopers] Ê - Ê01st Dec 2003
Visitors that frequent our site know that several months ago, we promised public beta testing. Due to timing issues it couldn’t go through that time, but now it’s here! The development team hasn’t been idle in the time since the previous release and has been working on, among other things, a server-side mutator that allows quick changes of all gameplay related game variables. What does this mean? This means that as of this day, an experimental Troopers server is running 24/7 that uses variables dictated by the community. That’s you! When you feel that a certain part of the game might benefit from some tweaking – say, for example, the player walking speed could be decreased, or bolt speed needs to be increased, or the bolt damage amounts modified per weapon, or the strafing speed slowed down etc – you can go over to our forums and make a request. If the request is worthy of giving a try, the server configuration will be changed to suit your request so that the change can be play tested. If the majority likes it, then it’ll stay that way and the change will be implemented in the next official version of Troopers!
A testing session on this experimental server, using values requested by our team members and beta testers, will be held on Wednesday 3rd of December at 22:00 CET. This converts to 16:00 EST, 21:00 GMT and 13:00 PST. Anyone interested in playing a match against fellow Troopers enthusiasts, beta testers and developers alike can drop in our IRC channel #UT2003Troopers on irc.gamesnet.net by then to say hello before hopping onto the experimental server to have a blast. There are two things that have to be set up before you can join the experimental server. Read all about it here.
As I said above, the tweak mutator isn’t all that we worked on. GhostEnigma is currently working on the scout trooper pistol model. Kahlzarg is working on a heavier piece of equipment; he is creating a model for the Imperial sniper rifle. Our player modeler Jolts is putting the final touches on the Rebel pilot character. Work on the Bespin Pads Capture the Flag map, which is situated on the surface level of Cloud City, has been resumed by ShroomDuck. Meanwhile, MentalAbyss is enhancing the EndorLandingPad map some more. eXoR has been working on increasing the overall game performance, by optimizing CPU-intensive functions. And last but not least, MadNad has been busy making the TIE-fighter explosion even prettier than it already was. Because an image tells more than a thousand words, and video’s have numerous images each second, we have in-game footage of these TIE-Fighter explosions for you. The file can be downloaded from our host Jolt. It shows the TIE’s blowing up in their test environment. Keep this in mind when watching the video. The TIE-Fighters are rigged to blow up after one shot for testing purposes. This will of course be changed when the effects are finalized.
That will be all for now. Keep your eyes peeled at our website, because we will be posting additional dates and times for experimental testing session these weeks. I hope to see you on a server soon!
Each explosion is different, and better yet, can be configured by the mapper to use any mesh and static meshses for pieces and much more for me to list.
This is a destroy actor, it just so happens i used the tie mesh for it, as it is the first destroy actor needed on EndorLanding Pad. The space explosions will be different.
Bigshot - - 03rd Dec 2003 07:22
what about the look while it is in flight? will if go out in all directions?
Bigshot - - 03rd Dec 2003 07:21
simply awesome. but I cant quite tell from the video, it each explosion different? or is it all the same? I think it would rock to apply the KARMA engine to all the little peices of debris.
LoveFest - - 02nd Dec 2003 19:15
Love the purple sulphur powder flash effect... it adds a lot.
ZarQa - - 02nd Dec 2003 18:44
Okay, that's the most detailed explosion i've ever seen in the Unreal Engine. Nice job!
Looking good
Yoshiro - - 02nd Dec 2003 17:01
As the topic said, looking good but I allready know that