Gather around the campfire - Yoshiro - 21st May 2004 20:55
We have selected 20 new beta testers from the countless dozens of applications we received. We'd like to thank everyone who submitted an application. Unfortunately for those who weren't selected, we can only handle 20 beta testers. If you haven't received an email by now, there's nothing else to do than to wait for our official release - which is coming soon.
If you're impatiently waiting for Troopers and weren't selected as a beta tester, we have something that will make you feel better. ShroomDuck and our new writer Peter 'Modicus' Mancuso have been working hard to bring you a story that takes place long ago, in a galaxy far, far away. Gather round children, and adults as well. It is a story of courage and bravery, evil and treachery; a story that spans a galaxy. The story takes you to a place you can only visit in your dreams or in a computer game. With great pride I present to you: chapter 1 of the Troopers Storybook.
The story comes in the form of an executable flash file. You can download it from this location; Mac and Linux users can find a non-executable version here.
Fan fiction enthusiasts and movie fanatics alike are welcomed to have a taste of what is the first in a series of Troopers-related stories. We'd like to know what you think of them, so please voice your opinion in our forum when you've read it!
To go along with today's story, I also have two pictures to present. These two images take you to the skies above an artificial moon.
Remember: the story is not over. The next chapter will be available on Monday.