Troopers: Dawn of Destiny Release 5 - Yoshiro - 16th Nov 2004 13:43
Kinetic Studios is happy to announce the release after many weeks of silence of Troopers: Dawn of Destiny version 5. This new version comes with 3 new maps which are Objective_Hoth, CTF_TatooineCruise and BespinPads. Also included in this release is the introduction of the Imperial All Terrain Scout Transport or AT-ST. Even though all the features we would have liked in this release did not make it, we are happy with what we have and feel it is quite enjoyable in the form. Hope to see you all very soon in a galaxy far far away.
troopers is based on multiplayer in as much as there is no SP 'story'
however, the bot support is way more advanced than most other mods, so all non vehicle maps can be enjoyed offline
bot vehicle support is in the works atm
Single Player?
John Chr. - - 13th Apr 2005 21:58
Is Dawn of Destiny 5 only a multiplayer mod, or can i play it in singleplayer to? cant seem to find an answer to that anywhere, so i'll try here!.
Jetfire - - 18th Mar 2005 22:49
that is an oversight. thanks for bringing it to our attention. ill try to get it submitted asap!
RRCM - - 18th Mar 2005 03:24
Could you guys try releasing this mod at
It's one of the few sites in which I can pull off such a large download with my connection.
Jetfire - - 14th Mar 2005 11:31
The jolt mirrors are still operational for me.
There was an official server for years, but the team has moved on to new projects , so it has been dropped. Surely people can host listen servers etc, but it never seems to happen :(
Download Locations.
Irrational Gamer - - 08th Mar 2005 03:18
Well, the only place I saw where to download this file from is FilePlanet...Though it's going to take an hour and a half just to start downloading it and another two or three hours just to download the game itself. Please set up some sort of server to download the mod from.
Where ca i bacame this MOD??
RazoR - - 14th Feb 2005 17:07
Haw can i download it for UT2004??
thedude - - 19th Jan 2005 04:26
Put a server up for your mod! come on! this is lame!
tom - - 18th Jan 2005 16:24
Chris - - 18th Jan 2005 04:21
Is the AT-ST driveable or what? I extracted all of the audio from the mod to wav files and there was no AT-ST sounds?
Patch for Troopers 4.1
Newbie - - 18th Jan 2005 03:20
I've had lots of great fun with Troopers 4.1 and now version 5.0 is out, I want some more! But I don't want to download the entire 330+ MB again! When are you releasing the patch for v4.1?
UT2004 mods
Rebel Grunt - - 17th Jan 2005 08:05
There are a few players for Alien Swarm (too hard for me). FO gets a few more online. SAS gets lots over in Europe and RO has a loyal following. Not sure about the other mods. Troopers is a very good looking game, too bad the fan base is smaller.
thedude - - 16th Jan 2005 04:52
who knows? nobody plays ut2k4 mods anyway. *cries*
plus these unrealtroopers staff have no idea how to make a community website
Why is it so quiet here?
Rebel Grunt - - 16th Jan 2005 03:22
So is it just a rumour that Troopers Dawn of Destiny is a terminated project?
no servers!!!!
thedude - - 15th Jan 2005 02:51
Hey! This mod is great, I just downloaded it! Its far better than the Galactic Conquest mod for Battlefield...why are there ZERO servers online for this????? THIS SUCKS
zip file corrupted?
NoMercy - - 21st Dec 2004 19:31
OK after it finally finished downloading, after about 1 hour or so, I whent to extract the files out of the zip file but it wont let me, the files are corrupted, I also tried your older versions same thing there all messed, I use Win Ace, Win Zip, and Win Rar none of them work.
zip file corrupted?
NoMercy - - 21st Dec 2004 18:42
OK after it finally finished downloading, after about 1 hour or so, I whent to extract the files out of the zip file but it wont let me, the files are corrupted, I also tried your older versions same thing there all messed, I use Win Ace, Win Zip, and Win Rar none of them work.
Clayton - - 12th Dec 2004 00:56
Please make it easier to DL
Re:Hard to download
Nihi - - 03rd Dec 2004 17:04
try using mozilla firefox instead of ie or whatever. It's opensource, allows you to resume, + a bunch of other stuff, and it wasn't made by Micro$haft.
Hard to download
Jeff1192 - - 03rd Dec 2004 06:22
I would really like to download this but I am on dial-up so I need a link that will allow me to resume with a download manager. I have tried everything I can't get a link that will work with a download manager like Get Right. Anyone know of any other links.
JeTFiRe - - 01st Dec 2004 22:21
Same as any other 2k4 vehicle. I find the entry radius a bit touchy though so ya may need 2 be persistant :)
How do I drive?
nath - - 01st Dec 2004 20:16
I can't drive the ATST, please help.
Troopers dead?
bagel's little smoker - - 27th Nov 2004 19:12
Look, the developers asked for feedback--someone should have let me know it's a dead mod. It's too bad though, killing it now is like having a Macy's day parade with deflated floats. So if they're not going to sell it, and they're not going to keep working on it, then it goes in the trash bin, right? Well, then why work on it since 2002 just to stop now?
Joe - - 27th Nov 2004 05:01
dude you know that the mod might be ending right? and they have been working with Lucas Arts since they started a long time ago