Screenshots? We love them! - ViperEye - 28th Jul 2003 03:36
Seven new in-game screenshots have been released for your viewing pleasure! Six of them can be found in the Screenshots gallery, while the seventh is none other than the Picture of the Week. They showcase MadNad's awesome upcoming Death Star map and ShroomDuck's exciting new CarbonFreeze map. Remember, folks, both are still under heavy production; these are just teaser shots.
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Screenshots and .plans - ViperEye - 24th Jul 2003 01:42
Quick little notifier: we've uploaded a few screenshots from each of the three official maps, all of which may now be found in the Screenshots section. In addition, check out the .plan listing on the right, now chock-full of .plan goodness. |
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But He Does Star Trek Stuff! - ViperEye - 22nd Jul 2003 17:31
The Troopers Development Team is proud to welcome a brand-new face to its ranks, a combination modeler and texture artist by the name of Lee "Arrghman" Scheinbeim. Arrghy, a veteran of high-poly modeling, is one of the lead admins at the crazy world that is the Agoraphobia Forums, and has developed something of a following with his renderings and 3D artwork over at his deviantART page. Having recently taken on low-poly modeling, he's found he rather enjoys the challenge, an.....
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.plans Return! - ViperEye - 21st Jul 2003 13:09
Well, we're finally bringing back .plans for everyone who wants to follow along with what individual team members are doing. Check out the first entry by eXoR, over on the right! |
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Regarding Comments - ViperEye - 19th Jul 2003 14:47
It would appear that a lot of folks are commenting on the news that has been posted on this site, and while most of it is okay, there have been several times when very LENGTHY comments have been submitted for approval and posting. The content of the comments varies, but entire editorials have been written for spots that are meant only for quick one- or two-liner suggestions, squeals of excitement, etc. etc.
If you've posted a lengthy comment for the website that has not been approved, it is suggested that you carry your thoughts to the forums, which are a much better location ..... |
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For the Dedicated Servers - ViperEye - 15th Jul 2003 16:02
Just a quick FYI: those who want to host dedicated servers can now find the .zip file for the mod in the Downloads section. Enjoy! |
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Troopers Demo: RELEASED! - ViperEye - 15th Jul 2003 14:44
That's right, ladies and gentlemen, the Troopers Demo has been released! Finally, after over a year of gripping work (and several weeks of hellish cramming), the Troopers Development Team proudly presents to you all Dawn of Destiny!
Released last night, the IRC- and forum-goers all got first dibs on downloads, but now it's the public's turn. If you havn't downloaded the mod yet, head over to the Mirrors listing and get it now! Then come back and tell everyone what you thought of it.
The Dev Team would like to thank everyone that has been so patient with us thr..... |
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Feature List! - ViperEye - 13th Jul 2003
Well, we promised it to you, and here it is. With the mod releasing sometime tomorrow, and the team working harder than ever on finishing it up, here's a full-fledged feature list to whet your appetites even further!
All modification artwork, audio work, music, and models in Troopers are 100% original: nothing has been copied or taken from sources other than UT2K3 itself, and then only minimally......
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